Dr. Jordan Karubian
Lab PI.
Jordan Karubian is a Professor in the Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology at Tulane University. He is also the founding Director of TIERA, the Tulane Interdisciplinary Environmental Research & Action Program and a founding member of Foundation for the Conservation of the Tropical Andes (FCAT), an environmental NGO in Ecuador. He completed his undergraduate degree at UC San Diego, his MS and PhD studies at University of Chicago, and his post-doctoral training at UCLA.
Dr. Karubian is an internationally recognized researcher in the fields of tropical ecology, conservation biology, animal behavior, and environmental studies. He has published over 100 peer-reviewed articles on a range of systems spanning four continents. Dr. Karubian is currently focused on northwest Ecuador’s Chocó rainforest, an exceptionally biodiverse and threatened ‘conservation hotspot’. Here, he has helped develop FCAT into a model for successful community-engaged research and conservation.
Dr. Karubian is a Fellow of the American Ornithological Society and has received two Fulbright Fellowships. He has received the ‘Ernest A. Lynton Award for the Scholarship of Engagement for Early Career Faculty’ from the New England Resource Center for Higher Education, the ‘Excellence in Tropical Biology and Conservation Award’ from the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, and the ‘Ralph W. Schreiber Conservation Award’ from the American Ornithological Society in recognition of his contributions to science and conservation.
Karubian Lab Members
Rosa Soria
Post-doctoral Fellow
Catie Mae Carey
Luke Anderson
PhD Student
Martha Barta
PhD Student
Andrew Love
MS Student
Yan Xuan
MS Student
Darbhi Durvasula
Undergraduate Student
Sophia Finkbeiner
Undergraduate Student